10 years a DJ: A Conversation with TMSKDJ About Life and Career As A DJ In Ghana.

10 years a DJ: A Conversation with TMSKDJ About Life and Career As A DJ In Ghana.

Born Michelle Nana Adwoa Agyakomah Yeboa, TMSKDJ is a house, electronic and dance DJ based in Accra Ghana. Known in the entertainment circles as THE MASKED DJ or the initials TMSKDJ.

She has been one of Ghana’s leading DJs over the last decade while advocating for opportunities for women in the art space. Over the last couple of years, TMSKDJ has chalked several heights in her career while creating platforms to amplify not only her career, but that of women in the DJ community. As one of the front runners of the alternative community, she has also been one of the biggest music exporters for not only Ghanaian music but African music at large. 

In a conversation for Eastern Child, with Nana Kojo Mula  she shared some insights into her background, career and some other interesting things that has happened to her over the last couple of years. She also dropped some exclusive news which will be of interest to anyone reading this. 

Eastern Child: Hello TMSKDJ, it feels great to have this conversation with you. First, how has the new Year been for you so far and how would you describe your 2023? 

TMSKDJ: The new year has been quite chill, just working on stuff that I want to put out later in the year.

EC: Some people know you for your craft and some are just reading about you. Just for a little backstory, who is TMSKDJ? 

TMSKDJ: TMSKDJ is a DJ who fuses alternative African and electronic music to create captivating sets for her audience.

She is also the lead for Femme Vibes and Open House Accra as well as a partner for The Girls Brunch.

EC: How would you describe your life growing up and did the way you grew up have an influence on who you are today as a person and what you do?

TMSKDJ: I think my life was pretty simple when I was growing up, I had an amazing mini extended family that was headed by my maternal grandparents.

I vividly remember my granddad’s vinyl player and the singing sessions between my mum and her siblings once in a while. I don’t know if that helped but music has always been in the mix somewhere even though it wasn’t in the front. 

EC: Let us delve a bit into your craft. When did you start developing an interest in DJing and at what point did you decide to take it on as a career?

TMSKDJ: I realised I had an interest in what DJs do in Junior high but never thought of it as a career. Even when I learnt how to DJ in university it wasn’t because I was going to pursue it as a career but we are here now.


EC: Can you share with us one of your earliest memories of being a DJ?

TMSKDJ: Definitely when I will practise in my hostel and the ladies from the other room would come over to dance.

EC: Last year, you celebrated 10 years of Djing in Ghana. How different is the space today as compared to the space back then on a personal level and an industry level?

TMSKDJ: The space has transformed massively. The emergence of platforms for artists is incredible. More can be done though, but it is good we are heading somewhere 

EC: What 3 moments have been the best highlights across the last 10 years of your career? 

TMSKDJ: Opening for Major Lazer, DJing for Ari Lennox and Meeting VP Kamala Harris

EC: There have been conversations for collaborations among creatives in the country. What is your stance on this and are we going to see you collaborate with other creatives? 

TMSKDJ: I love collaborations between artists, I am always doing that with others be it events, music, community building etc.

EC: Another conversation that has been brewing over the last few years is the treatment of women in the creative space. What do you have to say about that? 

TMSKDJ: I will keep it simple; it should be better.

EC: What in your opinion do you feel is the reason(s) why women are not getting enough recognition in the creative space? Is it the lack of platforms, or is it an ability/skill thing or money? 

TMSKDJ: Most people need to move from having women on their platforms because they are women and want to seem inclusive instead of having them for their art.

EC: You have been one of the women who is always finding ways to platform women and create spaces where women can thrive. One such space you are affiliated with is Girls Brunch and Femme Vibes. Are we getting that anytime soon? 

TMSKDJ: We are currently doing a rebrand from femme vibes so that should be later in the year but Girl’s brunch returns on May 04 2024.

EC: As we celebrate women this month, what message do you have for women and everyone else reading this?

TMSKDJ: We can’t stop if we want to make it easier for the next batch of women that want a career in entertainment

EC: What should we be expecting from TMSKDJ this year? We know you just returned from your exploits overseas. Aside from what you have already started, what else should we expect?

TMSKDJ: A new initiative championing fitness and mental health for artists and young professionals.

EC: In concluding this conversation, what are your last words to anyone reading this out there?

TMSKDJ: No one understands your vision better than you do so don’t stop building that mood board

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