#EasternChildPutYouOn: Ogranya’s Ordinary Love
Following the release of his classy sexy “Swing,” Ogranya comes through with “Ordinary Love,” his first single of 2024. Released on February 9, 2024, the track revolves around the lamentations of a troubled romance summed up by an unyielding willingness to make things work.
“Ordinary Love” takes inspiration from the complex nature of romantic relationships. In the words of Africa’s R&B royalty, “It talks about being emotionally involved with someone who is not on the same wavelength as you.” Featuring the musical stylings of Nigerian producer DOZ, “Ordinary Love” is built on the tenets of a contagious reggaeton groove made unobvious with a stripped-down alternative R&B instrumentation. Its lyrics, co-written by Ogranya and Ms. Fu, convey a mix of emotions, including love, desire, frustration, and a sense of inner conflict.
The Gold River signee revealed that “Ordinary Love” was created in 2018 during his visit to Ghana for the first time after leaving university. He caught up with his longtime friend, Ghanaian rapper Ms.Fu, listened to music, and chatted about their experiences with romantic relationships. “We’d occasionally underline the conversations by saying ‘ordinary love’ to make it feel less heavy,” the Nigerian neo-soul singer stated. After a hearty chat, the two friends decided to create something for old times’ sake, leading to the birth of “Ordinary Love.”
Listen to “Ordinary Love” on your favourite streaming platform